Douglas Craig revealed for the first time today how a quick on the draw Bootham Crescent board got their man and landed Terry Dolan to spark a Minstermen revival.

Speaking to the Evening Press, the York City chairman confirmed that other names were considered before the City board caught fans and media on the hop with their swift appointment

But he described as "bunkum" Internet speculation that the job had been offered to another candidate.

Craig admitted the City board, anxious to avoid a policy of sacking in haste and recruiting at leisure, had started the ball rolling in bringing to end Neil Thompson's reign days before he was ousted.

The City supremo said Dolan was "one of two, possibly three" genuine candidates following Thompson and City's parting by 'mutual consent' on Wednesday, February 9.

"The board were obviously concerned about results which were not forthcoming and the fact the team was not consistently producing results," he said.

"Obviously, we had discussed the situation with each other and what we should be doing.

"Just before the Northampton game (February 5) we were really having to consider the position if the results of the next two games were not satisfactory."

City lost the Northampton match 3-0 and Craig said the board discussed the situation the following day before making inquiries about "one or two people".

After the Mansfield game on the Tuesday, February 8, which City lost 1-0, the board had seen enough.

"The board decided we had to take action," said Craig.

"I had already made inquires within the football world as to who was available and who was under contract and who might be the likely candidate in fulfilling the post."

Dolan was clearly a front-runner with the board but was under contract at Huddersfield, as reserve team manager.

"On the Wednesday I telephoned the chairman of Huddersfield Town (Ian Ayre) and asked for permission to speak to Terry Dolan.

"The other two candidates were not signed to contracts but we were still considering them.

"I was given permission to speak to Terry, which I did, and I also spoke to his previous chairman at Hull City (Martin Fish).

Dolan was then invited for an interview although "various other possibilities" were still being considered.

"At that time we had also received about 20 applications in writing which were all considered and looked at by the board," revealed Craig.

"The other person who we was a definite runner would not have been available as quickly as we would have liked so we decided to offer the job to Terry Dolan and he accepted."

When Ayre agred to release Dolan City were free to reveal him as their new manager, less than 48 hours after Thompson had gone.

Craig was adamant the board had done their homework and all prospective managers had been carefully scrutinised before plumping for Dolan.

"All the names that have been bandied about and more were looked at by the board but for various reasons we decided Terry Dolan was the best bet for York City Football Club," he said.

"Without being disparaging about some of the other names, some of them were more interested in the froth than the substance.

"We were looking for a manager who had a track record and good experience to fill a necessity."

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