Online advice will prove Net benefit for traders

Step into an Internet booth for business advice wherever you are in York and North Yorkshire. Complaints about mobile phones rank in the top ten

Complaints about mobile phones now rank alongside dodgy car dealers in the top ten areas of grievances voiced to trading standard officers in North Yorkshire. Keep track of conferences

All aboard at York for today's start of the three-day Confex 2000 conference exhibition at Earls Court... Firm wins order from US

A high-tech metalsmith firm based in Kirkbymoorside has won a £420,000 order from the US. Women proficient on Superhighway

It's a case of WWWomen being in the driving seat on the information highway.

Moor traders plea for help

Businesses in Clifton Moor, fearing that they are becoming increasingly isolated, have called for urgent talks with councillors and transport chiefs from the City of York Council. Brace yourself for a medical development in fashion stakes

Brace yourselves - the astonishing truth is that being a dedicated follower of fashion can make you healthier. Merger good news for York - for now

Stephen Lewis takes a look behind the scenes at CGU's latest merger move Thirsk company is 'simply the best'

No less than the Government has doffed its cap to a Thirsk firm it regards as simply the best. Big lift for Selby company

Business is picking up in a big way for a newly-established Selby company after Business Link North Yorkshire helped it to secure a £7,500 RECHAR grant. Bank wars!

Whether or not the relationships between business and banks in North Yorkshire is strained or synergy itself, one thing is clear: They want us. Bridging the gap between two hotels

Suddenly Colin and Sharon Marsh have become a two-hotel couple. Tapping a pool of neglected talent

Are "glass barriers" preventing North Yorkshire employers from maximising recruitment potential by taking on disabled recruits? Business Press investigates. Great news for top Yorkshire venue

For the first time more than a million people have visited the Great Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate over a 12 month period, organisers report. Last chance to check pensions

Consumers in Yorkshire and Humberside who may have been mis-sold a personal pension between 1988 and 1994 are being reminded by the Financial Services Authority (the FSA) that they have only until March 31 to get a form in to their pension company if they want their case checked. Work starts on new hall

No more pawing the ground for a new exhibition hall at the Harrogate International Centre. Now it's a case of clawing the ground. Appointments: People on the move

Hang gliding champion, sailor and traveller, systems engineer Lance Bennett has been appointed the new business manager of the York Junior Chamber. York firm's sweet taste of success

Two brand new flavours will be launched next month as Yorvale real dairy ice cream company of Acaster Malbis near York, celebrates its tenth anniversary, but the details remain an industrial secret.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.