Belgian thugs attack York pupils

A party of York schoolchildren were subjected to a terrifying gang attack as they paid their respects at a memorial service beside British war graves on a Belgian battlefield. Asbestos victim gets £443,000 damages

A former York railwayman-turned-scriptwriter who fell victim to the asbestos timebomb has won almost half-a-million pounds in damages. Hague urges post office protest march on London

Conservative leader William Hague today urged sub-postmasters to march on London for a rally against the threat to their businesses. The birth of a bell

Molten metal flows in a white-hot stream into the giant cast for one of York Minster's six new bells. Centuries-old tradition ends

Hundreds of years of male domination are set to end as another York guild opens its doors to women. Girl tells of car trips with accused

A girl who claims she was abused by a teacher of special needs has described journeys in the back of his car. Man, 37, attacked in York street

The victim of a vicious assault in a York street was today in hospital with serious head injuries. Families will be hit by job cuts at centres

A decision to cut jobs at York's council-run family centres will mean some families having to go without the service. Major A64 safety scheme is a step closer to reality

Major improvements to the A64 near Malton - including the long-awaited Rillington bypass and the closure of three dangerous gaps - have come a step closer to reality. Swim fans hand in petition

Senior swimmers who once worked for the company that gave the Yearsley Pool to York have taken their fears for its future to the city's Lord Mayor. Patients must come first in the new NHS

Coping with change is one thing that seems to be constant in today's NHS, but the new man in charge at York District Hospital looks ready to take it in his stride. Simon Pleydell spoke to health reporter Andrew Hitchon. Banks firmly holding the balance of power

As we await a decision on how much we'll be charged for using an "alien" cash dispenser, Business Editor Ron Godfrey asks: Are banks as grasping as they were in the recession ten years ago?

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.