Jesus becomes Lucifer and God takes over the role of Mrs Noah in the York Millennium Mystery Plays.

And a professional actor is to be cast in the role of Jesus Christ.

The cast of 200 for this summer's spectacular production in York Minster was announced today. And it means stark changes for some of the leading lights of the last Mystery Plays.

Rory Mulvihill, who played Jesus in 1996, plays Satan this time round. Ruth Ford, who was God in 1996 and Mary Magdelene in 1976, takes on the role of Mrs Noah. John M Hall, who played Herod in 1992 and 1996, will now play God.

The cast, which includes 60 children, has been hand-picked by director Gregory Doran, an associate director with the Royal Shakespeare Company, following a series of auditions last November.

The plays will be staged in the Minster for the first time on June 22 and July 22.

Tickets for the production are selling fast. They cost £21, £14 and £7 and can be purchased by ringing 01904 612631 or e-mail

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