A spate of distraction burglaries in York has prompted police to issue a warning to pensioners.

Thieves have been drawing householders' attention away while they or an accomplice search the premises for valuables.

Residents were today warned to demand identification from callers to their home and to report suspicious people or vehicles to the police.

In the first incident, at Wykeham House in Lowther Street, a man claiming to be from the water board asked an elderly resident to fill containers with water as the mains were about to be switched off. He then searched the house saying he was looking for the stop tap. Two rings were later found to have been stolen.

The man is described as white, in this 30s, 6ft tall and slim.

He had straight, light brown hair and a moustache and was wearing faded blue jeans and a blue top.

In another incident at around 2pm yesterday, a woman returning to her Neville Street home was followed up the driveway.

The man, who claimed to be carrying out work on an adjacent house, asked her to unlock a rear gate so he could get to an adjoining wall.

While the woman was distracted, an accomplice entered the house and stole a handbag. The man was wearing a green anorak.

Sgt Colin Ventress said this type of offence was mainly committed against the elderly.

He said: "People should insist on seeing identification and should not let anyone on to their property without knowing who they are."

Anyone with information about these or any other crimes shouldcontact York police on York 631321 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.