York hopes to net web jobs

A Major law firm is considering setting up an online conveyancing operation in York, creating several hundred high quality jobs. Teacher denies sexual abuse of two girls

A teacher of children with special needs sexually abused two girls as he gave them a lift home, York Crown Court heard. Openness pledge on cabinet-style council

The spectre of government behind closed doors in York was banished today as Labour leaders pledged a new-style cabinet system would be fully open to the public. York gas blast arsonist put on probation

A man who tried to kill himself caused £30,000 damage in a gas blast at a York block of flats occupied by elderly residents Herod turns to God, and Jesus becomes Lucifer

Jesus becomes Lucifer and God takes over the role of Mrs Noah in the York Millennium Mystery Plays. Uneasy riders slam sign 'danger'

A motorcycle instructor claims "misleading" signs around York could lead to injury or even death for bikers. Prisoners get leave to fight phones alert

Three prisoners serving life sentences - two at a maximum security jail near York - have won permission to challenge a new system which alerts people if they are receiving phone calls from prison inmates. Bugged by leap day

It survived the Millennium Bug unscathed - but the Leap Year proved one strange date too many for Gordon Harrison's computer. Warning on sneak-in thieves

A spate of distraction burglaries in York has prompted police to issue a warning to pensioners. Undercover job paying off

Exclusive silk lingerie made by a small company in the heart of York has won a top award.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.