I would like to congratulate all those who have been concerned with the conception, design and construction of City Screen York. The new cinema makes excellent use of its riverside site, with its balconies and terraces. The three screens are extremely comfortable and the quality of the projection and sound is excellent.

It's a pleasure to have a new city centre cinema, accessible to all, rather than yet another multiplex in the dreary wasteland of an out-of-town shopping centre, and it is sure to bring new life to this area of the city.

In this association, we are particularly pleased because, thanks to the wholehearted collaboration that we have received from the young and energetic management team of the new City Screen, we are now able to offer regular 'French Days' with multi-media presentations to teachers and their pupils from schools in the whole region.

"Bon Courage, City Screen".

David Rowlands,

Hon Chairman,

Alliance Franaise de York,

Queen Anne School,

Queen Anne's Road, York.

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