Councillor Ruth Potter: needed six stitches

A councillor today told of her fears about going out alone at night after being mugged by a stick-wielding attacker on a York cycle path.

Councillor Ruth Potter, of Tang Hall, needed six stitches in her head after being assaulted when walking along the Sustrans cycle path near Fifth Avenue.

After threatening Coun Potter, the attacker made off with her briefcase.

"It was about 11pm and I was walking from town after being out with some friends," said Coun Potter.

"I know the area very well, I've walked down there hundreds of times and this came completely out of the blue."

Describing the attack, Coun Potter said: "The man said 'give me your bag or else I'll hit you again'.

"I am very angry that this attack will prevent me and other women from walking in this area for fear of further attacks.

"I would ask that anyone who knows this person, please contact the police as soon as possible because he is dangerous." She added that had it been an elderly or frail person who was attacked, the whole situation could have been far worse. Coun Potter said she could give no description of her attacker, other than that he had a local accent.

Her briefcase contained personal possessions, including a personal organiser, and papers relating to her work as a councillor.

Coun Potter said that she wished to express her gratitude to the police, ambulance and hospital staff who dealt with her and her family.

A spokesman for North Yorkshire Police said investigations were under way and advised people, especially women, to take particular care when walking home alone.

But he said: "It's not something that is really prevalent, but it does happen."

Anyone who can give information about the attack, which happened at about 11pm last Friday, should call York police helpdesk on York 631321.

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