Park and Ride is just one big traffic jam

Why does City of York Council never take notice of public opinions? I have just returned home from work in the Clifton area, along Shipton Road on to the outer ring road - a journey of about three miles in just under 45 minutes. Mystery of shortfall

You reported council leader Rod Hills saying that he hoped the people of York would understand why tough decisions had to be taken (February 23). Don't stay then

We keep hearing from certain people who have come into our wonderful country to try to make a better home than they had in their own lands, that they are not getting a good deal, either from the DSS, police or the Government.

e Barratt who has at last won the first round in the battle to build a modern bungalow on the site of the old school in Low Mill, Farndale ('Homes tycoon wins Farndale Lane fight', February 22). The family Styan

I am searching for my grandmother's family called Styan, of Whixley. She was Emma Styan, born in 1873, who married my grandfather Anthony Kitchen in London in 1892. They moved to Gateshead, where she had her children. Her father was Charles Styan, born in 1825, which is where my father Charles Kitchen got his name.

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