Gang terror comes to council meeting

A gang of marauding youngsters terrorised parish councillors by flinging a brick at the window of their meeting room and trying to force their way in through a fire door. Councillor mugged on cycle path

A councillor today told of her fears about going out alone at night after being mugged by a stick-wielding attacker on a York cycle path. Prayers, pity and pills for farmers

Desperate tenant farmers unable to sleep at night and struggling with marital problems are turning to anti-depressants, a new report revealed today. Bully-claim pupil to sit exams at support centre

The teenager who has stayed away from a York secondary school because of stress is set to take his GCSE examinations at the city's pupil support centre. Drivers blame Park & Ride site for A19 traffic misery

Motorists claim York's new Park & Ride site is creating extra queuing misery for their journeys out of the city along the A19. Pupils fear for fate of Mozambique school

Staff at Tadcaster Grammar School have been desperately trying to contact the head of their twin school in flood-ravaged Mozambique. Women getting behind wheel in a really big way

Jokes about women drivers will definitely be on the wrong track when a special vehicle charity challenge is held in North Yorkshire. 'Friendly' packaging goal of boffins

Scientists in York are working on a new type of "friendly packaging" material to replace plastic and a group has been set up to highlight their work. Janet Hewison reports Giant leap for York couple

Today's date, February 29, only comes every four years, and of course, traditionally it's the only day when women can propose marriage to their man. Here, Chris Titley meets a married York couple who celebrate the second annivesary of their engagement today. Charmaine's giant leap on her second birthday

Charmaine Jennison-Smith jumps for joy as she celebrates her birthday for only the second time today - February 29 - even though she's really eight.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.