Why does City of York Council never take notice of public opinions? I have just returned home from work in the Clifton area, along Shipton Road on to the outer ring road - a journey of about three miles in just under 45 minutes.

You may ask, did I walk or run? No, I came past the new park-and-ride site in my car along with a good number of other unfortunates who waited in a queue of traffic which stretched from the outer ring road roundabout back down Shipton Road to Clifton Hospital.

This park-and-ride site has been open for only a few days and already it is delaying traffic in this area. Coupled with the appalling delays on the outer ring road between the A59 roundabout and the Tesco roundabout, any journey in this area is turning into a major headache. We are now in one of the quieter periods for traffic. I dread to think what the delays are going to be like in the middle of summer.

Does the city council have an integrated traffic policy or, as appears to be the case, do we have decision making based on a 'good idea at the time' approach? This park-and-ride scheme is situated in the wrong place and the siting is compounded by its location right next door to an evil-smelling sewage works which no amount of landscaping and tree planting can hide.

C R Tomlinson,

Dikelands Lane,

Upper Poppleton, York.

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