Congratulations to Sir Lawrence Barratt who has at last won the first round in the battle to build a modern bungalow on the site of the old school in Low Mill, Farndale ('Homes tycoon wins Farndale Lane fight', February 22).

From my experience, the granting of permission to convert the building into a home can now be followed by an application to vary the terms of consent, and with the same persistence it should not be long before a six-bedroom mansion will be agreed.

There is no limit to what money, power and pressure can do, and even if the next stage is carried out without permission, there are plenty of examples of appeals upheld especially when the initial hurdle has been crossed.

Planning regulations are totally inadequate and need strengthening, and the action of the North York Moors National Park Authority in capitulating in this way is deplorable.

Keith Smith,

Dikelands Lane,

Upper Poppleton, York.

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