Receiving their Millennium Degrees at the University of York are, from left, June Hargreaves, Paul Shepherd, Sir Marcus Worsley, the Rt Rev Raymond Furnell, Raymond Burton, and Delma Tomlin

Normally hundreds of students would pack the hall to claim their degrees, but this weekend the University of York honoured just six people for their outstanding contributions to local life.

In a unique Millennium graduation ceremony they received the degree of honorary Doctor of the University, with which they all have links.

The six were: Sir Marcus Worsley, the former Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire; Delma Tomlin, chief executive of the York Millennium Mystery Plays; Raymond Burton, businessman and philanthropist; June Hargreaves, conservationist and town planner; Paul Shepherd, of the Shepherd Building Group; and the Dean of York, the Very Rev Raymond Furnell.

The university's vice-chancellor, Professor Ron Cooke, said they were celebrating the university's links with the local community and welcoming friends who had helped and supported it over the years.

He added: "Today we are honouring just a few of those who are most closely associated with us, and have already made huge contributions to the community."

University staff members paid tribute to the six graduates.

Dr Kenneth Dixon said Sir Marcus had "pursued an active and distinguished career of public and family service" in his public roles and care of his family's estate at Hovingham near Malton.

Professor Nicola LeFanu said Miss Tomlin, who is also administrative director of the York Early Music Festival and the York Early Music Foundation, had "an amazing ability to part Yorkshiremen from their money in the cause of nurturing the cultural life not only of York but of the country as a whole".

Professor Felicity Riddy said Mr Burton, of the famous clothing group, who has a pioneering farm near Malton, had shown extensive generosity with bequests at home and abroad, including one for a humanities library at the university.

David Foster spoke about the vital influence of Miss Hargreaves, a prominent York Civic Trust member, in the creation of conservation areas in Britain and preserving York's heritage.

Professor Tony Robards said Mr Shepherd, chairman and managing director of the Shepherd Building Group, was a man of vision who was "strong on commitment, integrity and public service".

And Professor Cooke said the Very Rev Furnell was "an outstanding and innovative Dean of the Minster, a champion of drama and education and a great catalyst of collaboration in the city".

The ceremony included music from the university's chamber orchestra and was attended by the Lord Mayor of York Coun Peter Vaughan.

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