Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers of North Yorkshire South celebrate the movement's Thinking Day at the Barbican Centre, York

More than 2000 Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers and Guiders from York, Selby and Tadcaster packed into York's Barbican Centre for their Millennium Thinking Day.

The annual event, in which promises are renewed and messages of goodwill are exchanged with other groups across the region and the world, was entitled Let Peace Walk The Earth.

The people who joined in the event were aged from five to upwards of 80 and they were celebrating in anticipation of the joint birthday of the movement's founders, the late Lord and Lady Baden Powell, tomorrow.

As well as performing various interpretations of peace songs, there were readings and an address by the Rev Nancy Eckersley, of Clifton Moor.

The Scout and Guide band played people in and out and there was an excerpt from the York Scout and Guide Gang Show, which was staged in November at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre.

The proceedings were presided over by county commissioner Anne Slade.

Guiding exists in more than 136 countries and has more than ten million members.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.