The battle to save York's Barbican and Yearsley Pools from the threat of closure has won Parliamentary support.

Vale of York Tory MP Anne McIntosh has given her backing to the Evening Press Save Our Swim Campaign.

She added: "As a keen swimmer myself, I feel that the prospect of losing these baths will severely restrict the enjoyment that local residents undoubtedly derive from a sport that is both healthful and fun.

"Moreover, as the baths at Yearsley have played an integral part in community life for nearly 100 years, I feel that closing them would be a severe blow to the region's heritage."

Miss McIntosh was also disappointed by the City of York Council's failure to draft any alternative plans to replace "these highly popular services" and was worried about the amount of time the authority would allow for public consultation on the issue.

"I would like to add my voice to the many who have already protested at this unnecessary proposal and to pledge my support to any future initiatives to keep the baths open," she said.

Meanwhile, York's councillors have had a blast from as far away as Slovakia, from an "ex-Yorkie" who is keeping an eye on local affairs with the Evening Press Internet site.

John Skelton said councillors were "a disgrace to contemplate the reduction of any swimming facilities in York.

"Here in Banska Bystrica the City Fathers are proud of their swimming baths and do everything to promote swimming for the young people.

"As an ex-Yorkie who struggled to overcome my fear of water in Yearsley Baths under the patient and careful attention of the attendants there I can only hope that my letter will be published to show my feelings of outrage at the current proposals."

He said: "Keep the pressure on. York needs more swimming facilities, not less."

See Save Our Swim

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