York's legal community was today mourning the loss of Fulford solicitor Julian Hey, who has died suddenly at the age of 54.

Mr Hey, who practised from his office in Main Street, Fulford, and lived nearby in the same street with his family, died after being taken ill yesterday morning.

His wife Elizabeth and daughters Sophie, 23, Amy, 21, and Anna, 18, were today awaiting the outcome of a post-mortem examination to establish the cause of his death.

A silence was observed at York Magistrates Court early today as colleagues and court staff paid tribute to Mr Hey.

In a statement, Jennifer Bartram, honorary secretary of the Yorkshire Law Society, said its members were saddened to hear of Mr Hey's death.

She sadded: "Julian was among the brightest of his generation, being at the forefront of the use of technological advances in legal practice management, and an extremely able lawyer. He will be much missed by all who knew him."

Mr Hey was formerly a partner in Crombie Wilkinson before practising in his own right in Fulford.

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