York jobs pledge in CGU merger

A massive merger between York-based insurance giant CGU and Norwich Union put a question mark over thousands of jobs today. Pet cure not to be sniffed at

It has already transformed the lives of thousands of people, by identifying food sensitivities which may be causing illnesses ranging from migraines to eczema. Children start candles blaze

Fire officers today warned of the dangers of lighting candles in the home after a York family of four escaped injury in a house fire which had "all the makings of a tragedy." Post Office supporters plan mass protest rally

Sub-postmasters are gearing up for a mass demonstration in London to convince the Government not to press ahead with its plans to change the way benefits are paid. Carriageworks team 'should go to prison'

There is a strong case for prosecuting management at the former York Carriageworks for corporate manslaughter, a conference on asbestos has heard. Councillors accused over York Story saga

The chairman of York Civic Trust, John Shannon, today accused the city's councillors of failing to promote the museum he helped to set up. Barbican celebration marks 90 years of Guides

More than 2000 Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers and Guiders from York, Selby and Tadcaster packed into York's Barbican Centre for their Millennium Thinking Day. York music project to be highlighted on TV

The new National Centre for Early Music in York is to receive high-profile exposure on the BBC's National Lottery: UK 2000 show. Trip to Dome is real class

Is your school struggling to organise a costly trip to the Millennium Dome? And do you think it's too far away for a same-day return journey? Save Our Swim: MP backs campaign

The battle to save York's Barbican and Yearsley Pools from the threat of closure has won Parliamentary support. Fulford solicitor dies suddenly

York's legal community was today mourning the loss of Fulford solicitor Julian Hey, who has died suddenly at the age of 54.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.