Kate Jones offers some balanced advice on parking problems (Police File, February 10). She says that "people must try to have consideration for their neighbours" and that "communication should be the first step". Such views are fully supported by Face to Face: Neighbourhood Mediation in York.

What readers may not know is that a parallel and successful way of resolving disputes is freely available through Face to Face to all residents in City of York Council area.

The service offered is mediation, which has been helping neighbours resolve their disputes for nearly three years. While most of our disputes involve noise, children, pets or harassment, seven per cent have been about cars or car parking.

Mediation's aim is to help neighbours find mutually satisfactory solutions to their problems together - and it works!

Thanks to funding from the Safer York Partnership, this free service is available to all residents in the council area. They are encouraged to contact Face to Face on (01904) 553838 to discuss how mediation can help them. A team of trained volunteer mediators is available to help provide this free, confidential and impartial service.

John Gray,

Mediation Service Co-ordinator,

Face To Face, St Antony's House,

Brook Street, York.

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