Police are trying to get to the bottom of the theft of what is surely York's most expensive toilet seat.

Porta Dextra shop owner Peter Bottomley with a toilet seat similar to the one stolen from the store

Valued at nearly £200, the seat vanished from the window display at the Porta Dextra art gallery, near Bootham Bar, in High Petergate.

A perspex window pane in the shop's front was cut open with a knife and the seat was taken.

It was one of two virtually identical toilet seats - the other was in the store room when its twin was taken.

They are both made of heavy blue see-through acrylic material, decorated with man-made seashells and fishes.

Peter and Catharina Bottomley have owned the Porta Dextra gallery for two and a half years, but have never before had anything substantial stolen.

Catharina said: "We've only had it since last week - someone must really have had their eye on it. We have had toilet seats on sale before, but never one like this.

"It's just upsetting more than anything. People have been coming into the shop and are really surprised when they don't see it."

The theft is thought to have happened at about 3.40am yesterday. Anyone who might have any information about the crime should contact York police on 01904 631321 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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