Thank you to all those who took part in the Great North Run to raise funds for our Hospice 2000 Appeal.

As well as the Evening Press team and our own staff, there were at least 50 more running for the hospice, many for the first time.

We are also aware that there were other runners raising sponsorship for us who we do not know about. So please contact us. We should be pleased to send a T-shirt as an acknowledgement of your achievement.

We are so grateful to everyone and really pleased that it was such a good day. As soon as all the sponsorship is received we shall announce the total in the Press, and we are sure it will prove a great boost for the appeal.

Janet Morley,

St Leonard's Hospice Fundraising Centre,

York Road,

Acomb, York.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.