Motorists driving past an ingenious new device which flashes up their speed to all and sundry in big orange digits have been left gawping.

Traffic surveyor Peter Fuller aims his speed camera, registering 45mph Picture: Paul Baker

The speed gun and visual display unit is causing quite a stir among drivers and the display unit is the latest weapon in the fight to slow down motorists.

But astonishment has quickly turned to relief for some drivers - this is just a warning system and no speeding tickets have yet been issued.

It is a joint initiative between York police and City of York Council to remind drivers of the speed they are travelling at as part of a campaign with the slogan "What is the point of speeding?"

Peter Fuller, a traffic surveyor for the council, is the man behind the gun and he has set out to patrol York and surrounding villages.

He said: "This is not about prosecutions, it's more cautionary and advisory. We are trying to make people aware of the potentially dangerous speeds they are going at."

Mr Fuller said he had clocked some very high speeds over the last couple of days, including two people travelling at nearly 60 mph in a 30 mph zone.

But he said: "People are really supportive - they will wave or smile. Motorists are concerned about the situation. But with a lot of them, their jaws just drop, they're really surprised."

Traffic constable Martin Hemenway, of York police, said: "We are doing this to show drivers how fast they are going - there is no enforcement action, although that is not far away. This is a warning, an education."

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.