Firefighter Justin 'Bing' Crosby penned a fresh cycle of success in the land of pasta.

FIREFIGHTER Justin 'Bing' Crosby

The 29-year-old fireman from York's white watch, secured an impressive 21st place in the fire-service world mountain-bike championships in the region of Trentino in northern Italy.

There were a total of 160 riders competing in the biennial event, which drew competitors from all over the world, though mainly from Europe.

Crosby's Italian job in the one-off race over 23 miles of mountainous terrain was an improvement on his last attempt at the world championships when he was placed 27th in Paris two years ago.

"We are up near the Alps so it was fairly tough territory to ride in," recalled Crosby, who has been riding competitively for the fire brigade for the last four years.

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