It is very regrettable that the Selby district and in particular Selby town, has not been awarded new European money (Evening Press, October 9).

I am staggered that those who determine the requirements for those areas to be awarded European monies, which at the end of the day is only our own money recycled, cannot see the dilemma faced by the Selby town area.

It is crushed in between the highly distorted and artificial market of South Yorkshire that is being inundated with cash and the very commercially developed West Yorkshire.

Already I hear of some companies wishing to expand in the Selby district now simply looking to travel the extra 15 miles to take advantage of cash grants.

There must be an immediate recognition by European, national and regional government that the economy of the Selby district is completely different to that in North Yorkshire.

The impact of mine closures on Selby and Sherburn has to be thoroughly investigated. It is known that a large proportion of the mines' workforce travel into the area by car, but the infrastructure enterprises supporting the mines are long established and it is the workforce in the resident companies that need special incentives.

Why should the likes of Doncaster and South Yorkshire have access to money to develop and squander on spectacular financial flops such as the Doncaster Dome and the Sheffield tramways, while Selby has a reputation for prudent spending.

Our representatives at Brussels, London and Leeds must bang the drum for Selby with new vigour and promote the message that far from Selby being the carbuncle of North Yorkshire it is the poor relation of the West and South Yorkshire economies and Cinderella is entitled to a ticket to the ball.

Brian Percival,

Conservative group spokesman on Selby District Council.

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