Your columnist Bryan Marlowe shows a misunderstanding of the firearms laws (August 31).

Air weapons are very much part of the various Firearms Acts in terms of their definition and the very strict regulations covering their sale and use. An adult may not need a licence to buy one, but the law does not allow their use in public places.

If the youths allegedly toting air guns around the woods actually exist, they will be breaking a number of laws - unless they are on private property with the permission of the landowner. Otherwise, the remedy is fairly straightforward for any concerned member of the public - call the police.

The law makes no distinction between airguns and any other firearms if used to carry out any serious crime - including threatening other people. The judge who sent "Five Bellies" Gardner to prison for six months for threatening youths with an air pistol was not confused about the law as your columnist obviously is.

Finally, if Bryan Marlowe were unwise enough to be caught with a shotgun without having the appropriate certificate, he would be charged with illegal possession of a firearm in contravention of Section 2 of the Firearms Act. The law knows that a shotgun is a firearm, even if Mr Marlowe doesn't. He is confused in that "firearm" is used as a technical term in the various acts as a way of describing the highest category in terms of regulation, such as high-power rifles. Beyond that come "prohibited weapons" such as machine guns - which are also obviously firearms, even though they are given yet another name.

Laurie Holland,

Keble Park Crescent,



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