I am writing to express my concern about the abolition of advance corporation tax (ACT) and the effect it will have on a charity I support.

The Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association (RUKBA) and its daughter charity, the Universal Beneficent Society, provided much-needed financial help to nearly 6,500 of the poorest elderly people.

Also, the charity has a national network of more than 1,000 volunteers especially in Yorkshire and Humberside.

It is estimated that by 2004 when it is phased out completely, the charity will be worse off by £650,000 a year.

This is a major blow and will result in RUKBA having to cut back the help it gives, especially to those who are beneficiaries in the York and Humberside areas. Perhaps the Treasury can be persuaded to find some way to replace this lost income?

I am drawing our MP's attention to this area of concern, especially so during the UN's International Year of Older People.

David Hughes,

Elmpark Way,


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