York builder Persimmon plc today announced its best ever half-yearly results in the period to June, with a record net pre-tax profit of £35.7 million.

And another local builder is reporting good times in North Yorkshire, claiming a business boom is behind its success in selling executive homes around the Vale of York.

Fulford-based Persimmon plc, the parent company of Persimmon Homes (Yorkshire) Ltd, revealed its profits had leapt 27 per cent on the 1998 half-year profit of £28.1 million.

Chairman Duncan Davidson said: "Demand for Persimmon homes remains very strong throughout the UK. Our forward sales are at a record level. We are confident that current profit levels are sustainable for the foreseeable future."

Company secretary Geoff Grewer said: "We have had a tremendous six months to June 30, and in the Yorkshire region legal completions are up five per cent on the same period last year.

"Average selling prices have increased in line with national trends and we are confident that we will maintain our strong position for the second half of the year."

David Smith, sales director for Persimmon Homes Yorkshire Ltd, said it had experienced a significant improvement in demand for all kinds of properties in the last three months.

Meanwhile Strensall-based Hogg the Builder said successful inward investment and the county's growing status as a major business centre was creating "positive waves" in the local housing market, with steep demand for executive homes.

In the first six months of the year, 40 per cent of the properties it sold were to families moving from over 50 miles away. Hogg put the upsurge in demand down to companies moving to York bringing senior executives looking for new homes.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.