A North Yorkshire couple whose daughter has been refused a school bus pass even though her sister has one for the same school plan to appeal to the ombudsman.

Pat Hutchinson with daughters Laura (left), who cannot have a bus pass, and Heather, who was given one following an appeal

Pat and Robert Hutchinson, who run York garage Ren-O-Man, have also written to their MP about the "totally illogical" decision.

They say their daughter Laura, 11, is epileptic and dyslexic, and should have been allowed to board the school bus with her sister, Heather, 12, at her side.

Mr and Mrs Hutchinson appealed to North Yorkshire County Council, but their appeal was turned down by a three-strong panel of councillors.

The council only provides bus passes to pupils who live three miles or more from their school - and the panel said Laura's home beside the A63 at Cliffe was 2.62 miles away from Barlby High School, Selby. It is understood Laura's illness, for which she receives medication, was not seen as "exceptional circumstances".

A furious Mrs Hutchinson said it was totally illogical after they won Heather's appeal last year. She said: "If anything Laura deserves a bus pass more than her sister because of her illness. If I'm ill, what is she supposed to do ?

"The council tell us it is safe to walk along the A63, a busy trunk road without lights. It's ludicrous - there isn't even a pavement outside our house."

Mr Hutchinson said: "The crazy thing is that if Laura walked another 150 yards so she could cross the A63 safely, she would then be over the three-mile limit." The council has told the family it can buy a concessionary pass for £160 a year.

"It's not the money, it's the principle," said Mrs Hutchinson, who with her husband has written to Selby MP John Grogan to protest. A county council spokesman said Heather would continue to receive a free bus pass until she was 16 because that was part of the agreement when she won her appeal.

Laura had been turned down because the family circumstances had changed. Heather was granted a bus pass because Mrs Hutchinson was having to travel to Barlby High and Cliffe Primary schools at the time.

He said come next month, both girls would be attending Barlby High, and the problem of Mrs Hutchinson having to travel in opposite directions would not arise.

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