Georgey Spanswick, in good voice for her performance at The Parsonage Hotel at Escrick

TV star Georgey Spanswick stretched her vocal chords and made her dreams come true in the line of duty.

The presenter of ITV's Tonight programme completed nearly seven months of training to make her debut as an opera singer in front of an audience at The Parsonage Hotel, Escrick.

And the nerve-wracking performance was made even more frightening by the fact that it is to be broadcast to a TV audience of thousands.

Georgey said: "I was absolutely terrified.

"I kept being told that I sounded good while rehearsing, but I wasn't too sure. I kept thinking I was going to forget the words to the songs."

Georgey undertook the challenge following expert tuition from York-based teacher Michael De Costa.

The test came when she sang Franz Lehar's Vilia and Andrew Lloyd Webber's With One Look at the hotel during an opera night which saw six singers perform.

Georgey said: "Five years ago I met a woman who said learning to sing was the best thing she had ever done, and I have wanted to do it ever since.

"It is so uplifting and I have really enjoyed it. I will certainly be continuing it."

Her lessons and the big performance will be shown over six weeks on the Tonight show, starting in mid-October.

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