Independent car retailer Nidd Vale Motors, based in Harrogate, was praised by Vauxhall's top management during a recent visit.

Richard Jackson, of the Nidd Vale Group, in car, with, left, Ian Coomber, sales and marketing director, Vauxhall Motors and centre, Nick Reilly, chairman of Vauxhall Motors, at Nidd Vale Motors, in Harrogate

Following a tour of the dealership, Nick Reilly, chairman of Vauxhall UK, described the company as "one of Vauxhall's most successful retailers."

He said: "Nidd Vale is one of a very select group which sells in excess of 4,500 cars per annum. To maintain high levels of customer satisfaction, while consistently handling such volumes, demands great skill and organisation."

The Nidd Vale Group, which currently has Vauxhall dealerships in Wetherby and Harrogate, last year achieved sales of £65 million.

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