A retired North Yorkshire couple told today how their Norwegian cruise dream turned into a nightmare.

Tom and Barbara Gibson travelled down to Dover for their fourth trip on the Norwegian Dream cruise liner only for the trip to be cancelled due to the ship's collision last week with the Ever Decent container ship.

The Gibsons had driven down to the coast to stay overnight in the Posthouse Forte hotel and asked for an early morning alarm call.

But they were woken to be informed that the cruise was cancelled and they should return home.

"We were very excited while we travelled down for our holiday, and then tremendously disappointed when we found out what had happened," said Barbara.

"But it won't stop us cruising again."

The couple returned home that day to their Knaresborough home angry at the time and money wasted on their non-holiday.

"We were very despondent," she continued.

"But the friends who we were to go with have since spoken to the travel agent and we are assured of getting our money back, including money for the petrol and refreshments.

"Apparently we are also to get a free cruise."

The Gibsons were among 2,000 people who paid up to £2,500 each for a place on the 50,000-tonne cruise ship.

A major marine emergency was sparked when the ship collided with the 52,000-tonne Ever Decent in the English Channel, causing injury to 20 people.

Coastguards battled a major fire on board the cargo vessel after the collision off Margate in Kent around 1am on Tuesday morning.

The Norwegian Dream suffered serious damage. Its bow was heavily stoved in, with a large gash torn in the metal.

A lifeboat on the starboard side of the ship was also damaged and two containers were thrown on to the liner from the cargo ship.

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