There were plenty of aching necks around in York today after thousands spent a day watching the skies at the Elvington Air Spectacular.

WING AND A PRAYER: Members of the Utterly Butterly wing-walking team, above, thrill the crowds at the Elvington Air Spectacular.

Many people opted to skip their pilgrimages to the coast in favour of Yorkshire's last remaining air show - and what a show it proved to be.

An interesting mixture of aviation aficionados and young families enjoyed the aerial spectacles on offer at the 11th Elvington Spectacular.

The undoubted highlight for the assembled crowds was the Red Arrows display. They clapped and cheered as the daredevil pilots alternately flew within whiskers of each other before rising into the cloudy sky trailing plumes of coloured smoke.

As they do every year, the Red Arrows bridged the gap between astounding aerial technique and raw entertainment.

Thousands milled around the site munching hot dogs, looking at the vintage cars, clambering into cockpits or driving go-carts, all seemingly enjoying themselves despite the slightly dull August weather.

No sooner had hearts returned to normal pace than the Utterly Butterly wingwalking team sent them racing again.

This clever display featured two young women performing acrobatics atop the wings of biplanes, which in turn were doing somersaults and spins.

It seemed that many there were excited by anything that was either dangerous or loud, and many displays fell into the second category.

None more so than the Harrier jump jet which came to a noisy aerial stop just above the crowd, much to the annoyance of small children and dogs.

Although the weather wasn't fantastic everyone seemed to enjoy the Evening Press sponsored event.

"We are absolutely delighted with the way things have gone," said Dave Tappin, event organiser. "We are very pleased with the event so far."

Today's events were scheduled to finish at 5pm.

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