Presumably the Reverend Dr John Roden gave Elvington a wide berth this weekend.

His ears are far too sensitive to be bombarded with the roar of jet engines.

Dr Roden, the outspoken vicar of Appleton Roebuck, has lambasted York for being at the epicentre of a noise quake.

Not only are certain shops deafening their customers, he says, the city's buskers will insist on entertaining passers-by with their music.

The good vicar is right that noise pollution can be a blight. But his targets are wrong.

A lively mix of music keeps York city centre vibrant. And as long as the shoppers keep coming and the buskers draw crowds, Dr Roden's plaintive cry for quiet will fall on deaf ears.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.