It is fair to say that most parents send their children to school to gain qualifications leading to a worthwhile job. Our new Labour Government has other ideas as David Blunkett has stated in his plans to alter the national curriculum.

He wants personal, social and health education to be a major part of the altered curriculum. He wants children to be taught the difference of right and wrong. Fair enough, but PSHE means that it, and the other new area of "citizenship", will promote secular, politically correct values, including the acceptance of European integration.

Clearly our Government intends teachers to become surrogate parents, social workers and political agents, while spending millions of pounds hoping to persuade bright young people who just want to teach honest subjects to join a confused and politicised profession.

All this tampering with education policy by a government is very sinister.

It reminds me of what was attempted in Germany in the 1930s and in the USSR for several decades.

David Quarrie,

Lynden Way, York.

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