I just wish to comment on the article about the couple whose life is being made 'hell' at Festival flats (Evening Press, August 25). My son has a first floor flat in the block but is unable to live there because of the noise, dirt and disgraceful behaviour of the children - most of whom do not live there.

He has two young daughters who stay with him on alternate weekends, but are too frightened so he takes them elsewhere. I also hoped to spend some time at the flat but after one Saturday evening I quickly changed my mind.

About 20 children were playing football in the back; kicking the ball at cars, doors, windows, and swearing at anyone who remonstrated with them.

The fire hydrants are emptied as soon as they are filled and locks on doors broken as soon as they are mended. People urinate in the stair wells and storage rooms. One night someone climbed up on to my son's small balcony and entered the flat stripping it of everything of value that could be carried.

I have spoken to the councillor for the area. My son has spoken to the police but no-one cares. Fourteen years ago my mother lived in Festival Flats and it was a lovely convenient and happy place to live.

Mary M Crockatt,

Bishopthorpe Road, York.

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