Alarm bells started ringing across the broad acres after a white rose bush - its fragrant blooms symbolising the greatest county God ever created - was uprooted from the gardens at the Merchant Adventurers' Hall in York.

The bush was removed during a major facelift for the gardens intended to turn them into a blaze of colour this summer, with thousands of new plants and flowers planted. Its removal came just before a campaign was launched in York to set up a Yorkshire parliament.

But before anyone chokes into their pint of Sam Smith's, or lays into their whippet with anger and frustration at the loss of their common heritage, the company of Merchant Adventurers would like to give the following reassurance: a new bush will be planted when the time is right.

And it will flower better than the old one, which had not produced good blooms in recent times. A plaque which accompanied the previous bush has also been retained and will be put back when the new bush is planted.

see COMMENT 'Sweetest smell'

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