A CHURCH which held its first service in the aisles of a Heworth supermarket has celebrated being made a parish church.

The Rev Terence McDonough with the Archbishop of York, Dr David Hope, during the weekend consecration of the Parish Church of Heworth Christ Church

Christ Church, in Stockton Lane, was formed back in the 1960s by a small group of people who temporarily met in a store in Whitby Avenue, and held their Sunday school in the nearby Blakeney Hotel.

The vision for the church came from Jack Byetheway, who became a Christian in his later years.

One of the founder members of the church, Marjorie Layfield, from Heworth, said: "Jack was filled with the passion to pass on the message to young children. He didn't want anybody to miss out. The church started with children, meeting at the Blakeney Hotel, then the vision grew."

Churchgoers first met in each others homes until eventually they got their own building and church hall in Stockton Lane.

And finally, last Friday, the church was consecrated as the Parish Church of Heworth Christ Church by the Archbishop of York, Dr David Hope.

The Rev Terence McDonough said that old members from as far away as Devon had returned to York to join in the celebrations, as well as church figures including the Rural Dean of York, Canon Glyn Webster.

On Saturday a children's event was held in the morning and a craft display created by members of the congregation was on show.

Three services were held on Sunday, respectively conducted by the church's first curate - and the first man to be married there - Paul Rathbone, the Rev Derek Wooldridge, who is now at St Paul's Church in Holgate, and Canon John Young.

Mr McDonough said: "People have got used to the idea that churches are closing, but this is a church which is growing in numbers and we've just had the building refurbished. I think over the years the church has managed to get very involved in the community."

Elizabeth Rathbone, Paul's wife, and a founder member of the church, said: "The consecration was a wonderful service and really spiritual. It was lovely seeing old friends from 35 years back when the church started out."

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