EDDIE Benson of the Haxby & Wigginton Youth and Community Association, wrote (Letters, March 13) about provision for young people in his area and about the possible use of the city's financial reserves.

Spending £6 million - half of the reserves - on youth services may appear an easy solution but is an over-simplified response: for example, future running costs would still have to be found.

Given that the other half of the reserves are earmarked in various ways, his suggestion would virtually bankrupt the city. It would simply be reckless and undo the good work Labour has done in managing the city's budget since reorganisation.

However, we must take action and we have.

Since 1996 when we took over youth services from North Yorkshire, we have spent more each year on the service and will continue that trend this year.

We are establishing a new Youth Council and Youth Forum

We have made an additional £50,000 available for 14 new projects suggested by and, importantly, actually selected by the young people themselves,

We are installing two new skateboard facilities at £24,000 (one of which will be near Haxby),

We introduced additional activities for young people in the school holidays.

Since taking over the service, we have commissioned a fundamental review of activity.

This will be completed after the Government issues its Green Paper on Youth Services which is due shortly.

I completely agree with Mr Benson that the old system of the Youth Service only being available three nights a week for 36 weeks a year does not meet the requirements of today's young people and we have begun to change this. I know Mr Benson has met with our leisure officers to discuss a joint effort to improve what is on offer.

Pooling knowledge and resources (use of buildings, for example) is certainly the answer.

I hope we can continue to work with him and the association to provide those much-needed additional activities and facilities for the young people of the area and look forward to doing so.

Coun Bob Scrase,

Chair, Leisure Services,

City of York Council,


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