It's bright and it's beautiful, but if you see a two-foot red and green bird in the skies above North Yorkshire, be warned it's belligerent, too.

The vicious giant macaw was being sought today after fleeing its Tadcaster home at the weekend.

Owner Ron Bacon, of Grimston Park Nurseries, said he was prepared to offer a reward for anyone who returned the female breeding bird alive.

Its disappearance prompted North Yorkshire Police to issue a public warning that the bird should not be approached because it was so vicious.

Mr Bacon said: "People can approach it but would have to put a raincoat over it or cover it in some way - they shouldn't pick it up because it will take their fingers off."

He said he had received one call yesterday morning to say the macaw had been seen in a field on the other side of Tadcaster, but the bird had moved on by the time his staff got there.

He added the macaw was mainly bright red, with green wings.

Although the breed was originally from South America, it had been bred in England and was used to the British weather.

Anyone who sees the macaw should contact Mr Bacon on 01937 832188.

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