Animal rights protesters staged a demonstration outside a North Yorkshire farming business.

An animal rights protester takes part in the demonstration outside Low Farm in Brandsby

York Animal Aid said their protest outside Low Farm in Brandsby, near Easingwold, was the first stage in a campaign against F Machin and Sons, who have two farms in the village.

A group of 20 protesters, dressed in masks, wielding placards and pulling a model sheep on wheels, marched up the driveway of Low Farm to the gates of the farmhouse yesterday.

Farm director Richard Machin was away for the weekend, but the protesters carried on a peaceful protest outside the farm for around two hours, watched by farm staff and police. York Animal Aid member Lara Saunders said: "If you drive past here there is a constant stream of sheep going in and out. We are against any sort of slaughter or live transport of sheep."

Despite several attempts to contact him, Mr Machin was unavailable for comment to the Evening Press.

A demonstration against battery farming is being held outside the MAFF building at Peasholme Green in York next week.

The protest on March 30 is part of a nationwide protest by Compassion in World Farming.

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