The debacle in the European Commission with 20 commissioners responsible for overseeing the governing departments resigning 'en bloc' would be laughable were it not so serious an occurrence.

Is it possible those of the 20 who have been accused of fraud and mismanagement could walk away from it scot-free simply by resigning? In the name of justice, I hope not.

We are constantly being reminded by Brussels that we are part of the European Community, that we are Europeans and that the commission is there to look after our interests. If this is so, then it is high time that Brussels kicked into touch the 'all expenses paid' lifestyle of its Eurocrats, and sorted out those who misuse their position. But it seems those of the 20 most trusted and senior commissioners who have dabbled with the funds will more than likely get a 24 carat gold handshake, a pension on a par with a Premier League footballer's wages, and will retire to make even more money writing their memoirs.

George W Bateson,

Moorland Garth,



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