In reply to Mr D A Gomersall (Letters, March 10), I must say as one who spent a quarter of a century employed at York carriageworks, how much I agree with him. ABB did nothing for the carriageworks but take, take and take again until they bled York dry.

We have not forgotten, and never will, how ruthless ABB were. So much so that last year we formed a fighting committee to have our passes restored to hundreds of families who rightly qualified at April 18, 1989. We are following several options. I am delighted to say more MPs and Euro MPs are getting involved, including some at the highest level.

Derby and York ex-ABB workers are also represented by a solicitor, who is very active at this time. We also are supported by the Confederation of Trades Unions. We hope to announce shortly that another public meeting will be held to keep all involved up to date.

York and Derby meetings have been very well attended with one thing in common, the intense vilification of the people towards ABB, a so-called caring multi-national.

Any reference to ABB in the long proud history of York carriageworks is not one of glorification but to the thousands of men and women who ever worked there, they will forever be remembered as the company that destroyed the carriageworks, with considerable assistance from the last government. Rest assured ABB, we will not go away and will not rest until our rightful passes you took from us are restored in full.

W C Moore,

Lochrin Place,


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