TWO police forces have launched investigations after a York judge mounted a scathing attack on their officers.

Judge Peter Charlesworth told York Crown Court some officers had lied to protect disgraced policeman Paul Brett from the consequences of his attack on Harrogate roofer Paul Metcalfe.

He also attacked the conduct of a North Yorkshire officer shortly after Mr Metcalfe made a formal complaint, and the time taken by Liverpool police to send the case to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Merseyside Chief Constable Norman Bettison said: "I am concerned by the comments made at the conclusion of the trial by the judge. On Merseyside I have called for a full investigation of the facts surrounding the case."

Liverpudlian officers were among those accused by the judge of lying to protect their colleague.

The Merseyside force investigated the allegation against Liverpool policeman Brett, aged 33, although the assault happened in North Yorkshire.

Brett is now serving two years for causing grievous bodily harm.

Tony Lidgate, spokesman for North Yorkshire Police, said his force would study the judge's comments closely.

Judge Charlesworth was critical of the way a North Yorkshire policeman got statements from police officers from various forces staying at the same Harrogate police convalescent home as Brett.

North Yorkshire Police handed the investigation over to Merseyside Police because most witnesses were based in Liverpool.

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