A YORK man who attacked his heroin-pushing partner with a walking stick has been jailed for a year.

York Crown Court heard that victim, Lisa Casey, suffered a broken thumb, a black eye and back injuries in the assault at her home in Doherty Walk, Foxwood, shortly before Christmas last year.

Her partner Paul Michael Nicholson, aged 33, was furious that she used present money for the children to buy heroin after a landlady had thrown her out of a pub for trying to sell the drug.

Nicholson, of Kensall Villas, Fulford Road, York, pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm. Recorder, Simon Lawley QC told him: "You set about her. You headbutted her. You punched her about the head. You hit her with a walking stick."

Miss Casey's two children were distressed by the attack, part of which they witnessed in the early hours.

Robert Terry, prosecuting, said Miss Casey, aged 27, was a heroin addict and was involved in a scuffle with the landlady of The Turf Tavern on December 18.

The landlady had detected her offering a third person heroin in the pub toilets.

Miss Casey scratched her and grabbed some of her jewellery and was ejected. When she and Nicholson arrived home her sister, Julie McKenzie heard her screaming.

Mr Terry said she saw Nicholson hit her twice with the walking stick and inflict other blows.

Simon Reevell, for Nicholson, said his client had been angry that Miss Casey had bought drugs with some money given to them to buy presents for their children.

Although he did have previous convictions for violence, none was as serious as this one and none had been against Miss Casey.

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