A Selby pensioner is planning to walk the length of the nation to raise money for the town's hospital.

WALK ON BY: Tom Heeson, 76, who is walking from Land's End to John O'Groats Picture: Garry Atkinson

Super-fit 76-year-old Tom Heeson will be hitting the road for an epic trek from Land's End to John O'Groats.

He is raising money for the Selby War Memorial Hospital, where his wife died three years ago.

Tom said: "While she was ill in hospital I practically lived there as well, and all the staff were so good to us both.

"By doing the walk and raising money for them I'm hoping to give them something back for everything they did for us."

Tom took up hiking as a hobby when he retired, and since then he has been clocking up the miles.

But he admits to not enjoying walking at first - he was pushed into it by a colleague, but hasn't looked back since.

He has walked the ten-mile Selby Horseshoe circuit two or three times a week for the last 12 years - that adds up to a blistering 1,400 miles.

And his walks have also taken him further afield. He has been round New Zealand, along the 600-mile West Cornish Way, and on the 200 mile coast-to-coast walk from St Bees in Cumbria to Robin Hood's Bay no fewer than four times.

He said the crunch of gravel underfoot and the wind in his face are like a drug to him. "I just can't do without it. I go out the door, go on autopilot, and that's me gone for the day."

Tom hopes to complete his marathon undertaking in 60 days, when he set off from Land's End.

He will be striking out on his own, with no back-up or support, and as yet has no idea where he will be staying along the way."I'll just stay wherever they'll have me," he said.

If you would like to sponsor Tom on his journey, contact Brian Scott on 01757 706536.

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