A DRUNK father-of-five threatened to kill a policeman and headbutted him in the face, Selby magistrates heard.

Gary Dodds, 33, of Tennant Street, Selby, pleaded guilty yesterday to assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Duncan Sharp, prosecuting, told the court that Dodds drew his hand across his throat and told the officer he was dead after he was arrested on January 15.

Police officers were called out to an address in Mirkhill Road, Selby, where a party was taking place. Dodds opened the door, Mr Sharp said, smelling strongly of alcohol and acting aggressively toward the police, and was arrested for a breach of the peace.

Mr Sharp said: "As he got out of the rear of the police van at Selby police station, an officer walked towards him, and Dodds drew his right hand across his throat and said 'you're dead'.

"He was advised not to make threats, but he then headbutted the officer in the face."

The policeman suffered cuts and bruising to his face, and required dental treatment, said Mr Sharp.

Mitigating solicitor Daniel Fischbach told the court that Dodds had turned to drink after being sacked from a job he had held for eight years. He said that Dodds had been trying to sort out the argument that was the original reason for the police being called out.

"But for the police it must have been easy to see him as the source of the problem, as he was in drink and raising his voice," said Mr Fischbach.

He said that what really upset Dodds was the fact that he had to leave his Rottweiler on its own as he was taken away.

Mr Fischbach added that the demeanour of the officer who was assaulted was threatening, and that Dodds had misconstrued the situation.

Dodds was ordered to do 200 hours community service, pay the officer £300 compensation, and pay £70 costs.

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