AN action group has been set up by parents outraged at plans to bus their children to secondary school miles away from their homes.

The group, based in the Fishergate area of York, want extra accommodation for pupils to be provided nearer to their homes, and have suggested the rebuilding of fire-damaged Fulford School would be an opportunity to create an extra classroom there.

But council education chiefs say their aim is to put the Fulford School building back as it was before the blaze on March 8.

Parents were left fuming when they learned earlier this month of the decision to send some local pupils to Burnholme Community College, though they had put Fulford School as their first choice and Millthorpe second.

The chairman of governors at Fishergate Primary School, Howard Dickenson, said parents were distressed by the move, and York MP Hugh Bayley said: "People talk about parental choice, but it seems that the schools are choosing the parents and not the other way round."

The new group, Local Schools for Local Children, is to leaflet thousands of homes, launch a poster campaign and organise a petition.

"Parents feel bussing is totally unacceptable for many reasons," said group spokeswoman Trina Warriner. "It will take children out of their communities and will prevent them travelling to school independently.

"It will affect their social life and ability to take part in after-school activities."

She added: "We think it is only fair for the council to provide extra accommodation at a local school so that local children can attend.

"The rebuilding operation at Fulford School after the fire would seem to provide an ideal opportunity for the provision of an extra classroom."

But Philip Wells, assistant director (planning and resources) for City of York Council education authority, said: "We will be replacing the buildings which were damaged by the fire.

"We are aiming to put the building back as it was, because that's all that is covered by the insurance."

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