A murder inquiry has been launched by York police after a patient died following a vicious assault at the rear of a York psychiatric hospital.

Marcus Pulleyn, 54, who is believed to have been a voluntary patient at The Retreat, Heslington Road, was taken to York District Hospital after the attack on Friday night.

He was discharged on Monday but his condition deteriorated and he died on Tuesday as the result of what police have described as a brutal beating.

Officers today spent several hours scouring the city for a suspect who they believed was still living in the area and did not know that the attack victim had died.

Detective Sergeant Dean Robinson, leading the murder investigation, said: "We had reason to believe the man was still in York and we believed he was unaware that the victim of the assault had died.

"We had a number of officers searching for this man and we called at an address in the city early this morning but there was no one in.

"We found him just after 12 noon today and he is now in custody."

York police were first called out after being alerted to Friday's attack by North Yorkshire Ambulance Service at around 7.30pm.

Shortly after noon today the police officers found the man and arrested him. He is now helping police with their inquiries at divisional headquarters in Fulford.

They initially charged an 18-year-old local youth with assault but following the death of the victim, officers opened a murder inquiry.

Acting Superintendent Gary Barnett, of York police, said: "The youth was bailed following the assault charge.

"We have spent a couple of days looking for him and were successful in finding him today.

"It is possible that murder charges will be brought following questioning."

No-one from The Retreat was able to comment on the incident, other than to say the police press office was dealing with inquiries on its behalf.

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