Paranormalist Uri Geller takes another bizarre look at life as we count down to the Millennium.

Day 288 - Friday, March 19

Hunches, premonitions and gut reactions are all evidence of guardian angels, says Dr Carl Linder of the Institute of Christian Teachings in Stockholm. His study of hundreds of people who claim to have made contact with their heavenly protector shows a calm lifestyle and lots of early-morning prayer are the key ingredients to winning their aid. And he warns people to pay close attention to strangers they meet - one could be a guardian angel in human form.

Day 287 - Saturday, March 20

Our genetic blueprint follows a code similar to the ancient Chinese I-Ching oracle, claims philosophy graduate Richard Rudd. The Human Design analyst from Charlbury in the Cotswolds offers computer readouts at £70 a consultation, allying astrology and hexagrams to DNA science. "Your body map is basically a circuit diagram," he explains, "and certain circuits are switched on, and certain are dormant."

Day 286 - Sunday, March 21

A UFO which buzzed a Swissair passenger jet close to the crash site of Transworld World Airways flight 800 could have been a missile, believes its pilot. A report by the US National Transportation Safety Board records the frantic radio messages between Boston air traffic control and the airliner after the near-miss. "It flew just a couple of hundred feet above us," the pilot says in the transcript. "I don't know if it was a rocket or whatever, but incredibly fast, opposite direction." Some theories hold that TWA 800 was downed by a misfired missile.

Day 285 - Monday, March 22

The Reverend Sun Myung Moon, 79-year-old leader of the Unification Church, has been revealed as one of the world's largest makers of firearms. The Moonies, best known for their mass weddings where thousands of couples who have never met before are married, preach non-violence. But the 'True Father' invested about £3 million in Kahr Arms in the mid-Nineties, claims the Washington Post. Kahr recently bought out the manufacturer of Tommy-guns.

Day 284 - Tuesday, March 23

Vicar Matthew Thompson believes an angel rang his doorbell - and saved his life. The 30-year-old from Middleton, Manchester, was roused from bed before 7am by the ring, to find his spare room alight. Fire investigators say the bell cable was fused by the heat. "Maybe there were angels at the door," said Matthew. "It is certainly a miracle."

Day 283 - Wednesday, March 24

The world wide web will be unusable by 2001, predicts Maryland University's Professor James Hendler. In science's foremost magazine, Nature, the internet expert warns the web will grow 100-fold over the next two years, making it too large to be searched. But he expects the technology to recover, with voice-activated computers downloading entire CDs within minutes by 2010.

Day 282 - Thursday March 25

The ultimate tourists are getting set for the solar system on NASA's Venture Star, the Space Shuttle's replacement. At £31,645 a flight, wealthy astronauts will be able to experience weightlessness and the ultimate world view. For longer holidays in orbit, project director Gary Payton believes an out-of-this- world hotel could be built onto the International Space Station.

Uri Geller's novel Ella is published by Headline Feature at £5.99, his Little Book of MindPower by Robson Books at £2.50, and Jonathan Margolis's Uri Geller, Magician or Mystic? By Orian Books at £17.99.

Visit Uri Geller's Interactive Psychic City: or email him at 19/03/99

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