City of York Hockey Club have sent a letter of apology to rivals Disley following reports of alleged unruly behaviour during their Northern Counties League division one match last weekend.

But club chairman Graham Todd insisted the reports of trouble at the match had been greatly exaggerated and stemmed from the behaviour of two supporters - not from York players.

"I have written a letter of apology to Disley for the action of two of our spectators," said Todd. "They are not members of our club.

They turned up to watch and had obviously had a few drinks too many."

A York player received a red card for dissent towards the umpire after Disley were awarded a penalty stroke.

York were beaten 1-0, missing out on the chance to claim the league title and promotion to the premier division.

It can still be achieved if York beat Deeside Ramblers this weekend.

Todd admitted the game against Disley had been "very competitive". He explained: "They were keen not to let us win and take the title and no doubt we would have been exactly the same if it had been the other way round.

"We are having a meeting to find out the full facts but it has all been blown out of proportion."

Assistant coach Gawaine Hogg admitted there had been "some verbals" after the game but was surprised by the reports. He said: "We spent more than an hour afterwards in the Disley clubhouse and they even wished us luck for next week."

As reported in yesterday's Evening Press, Tim O'Brien, secretary of the NCL, said it was looking into the reports of trouble. But he said none of the alleged incidents - spitting at opponents and racial abuse directed at supporters - had been included in the umpire's report. He said a club's previous disciplinary record would be taken into account when a punishment was being considered and stressed City of York's record was "not a problem".

The home side could also face punishment if it was found it had not done enough to control spectators, said O'Brien.

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