A fence erected to prevent revellers urinating and defecating behind a York food vendor's wagon has been stolen.

Deanna Roger: problem

The Brunch Wagon's owners, Jean Corner and Deanna Roger, thought they had finally defeated the disgusting habits of late-night passers-by who just can't wait until they get to a toilet.

After months of cleaning up excrement and other mess from behind their Newgate Market plot, the pair decided to block off the rear of their static fast-food van by fixing £400-worth of galvanised steel fences to each side of it. But when they arrived for work on Tuesday morning they found a determined thief had sawed through thick steel bolts to remove one of the barriers.

Deanna, of Stamford Bridge, said: "We got the barriers because we were sick to death of these disgusting people actually defecating behind our place. Apart from having to clear it up, the problem throws up all sorts of environmental health and hygiene issues.

"We would really appreciate the public's help in getting the missing fence back, because it's quite a noticeable thing. It must have gone overnight on Monday. We got the barriers at great expense and we need to get the lost one back."

Meanwhile, Deanna and Jean are using an old door to block off the back of their business, which they say is used as a toilet at least once a week.

Anyone who can help them find their lost fence, or provide them with a new one, should call (01759) 371285.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.